Scribble – silkscreen printed motifs


Silkscreen Printed motifs for the Berlin based HipHop Label “Edit”

Various tryouts with ink, skeches and kalligraphic experiments based on songs and lyrics by all the artists, signed under Edit.





The final version is based on the Edit handwriting in 2 versions — a simple handlettering as well as a complex illustration including songlines and figurative Berlin-classics.


EDIT_typo_04_cBildschirmfoto 2016-01-12 um 10.25.34      Photo © Edit ent.   EDIT_typo_06_140424 EDIT_typo_06_ausschnitt1 EDIT_typo_06_ausschnitt2

Bildschirmfoto 2016-01-12 um 10.27.06Photo © Edit ent.

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